26 Gibbs Street, Rochester 14604

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Timothy Long, conductor
Neil Varon, conductor
Nicholas Sharma, conductor
Joy Harjo, narrator
James VanDemark, bass

This concert will be preceded by a pre-performance conversation with Anthony Davis, Joy Harjo, and Timothy Long from 6-7pm in Kodak Hall.

ROSSINI Barber of Seville Overture
DAVIS How Bright the Sunlight, for narrator, solo contrabass, and orchestra *Centennial Premiere
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68

Eastman School of Music will present the world premiere of Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Anthony Davis' How Bright the Sunlight, a work for symphony orchestra and narrator, with a libretto curated by the first Native American US Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo. The narration, spoken by Joy, is based on both the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address and Joy’s poem, Thanksgiving in a Time of War and Confusion. Timothy Long will be conducting the world premiere as part of Eastman's ongoing Centennial celebrations.


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