201 Wilson Commons, Rochester, 14611

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Impostor syndrome, a feeling of self-doubt and trouble acknowledging your own success, is highly prevalent amongst high-achieving people, especially students in higher education. On October 12th from 4:30-5:30 PM in the Gowen Room, the UHS Health Promotion Office will be hosting an impostor syndrome workshop to give students the opportunity to learn about impostor syndrome – what it is, how it impacts us and how we can navigate our school experiences while dealing with it. This workshop, led by Dr. Joshua Drew, will also explore the role of community in supporting mental health and the ways various intersectionalities combine to exacerbate or ameliorate the stressors we deal with while trying to get that degree. Open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Subs and fruit will be provided on a first come, first served basis. There will also be a raffle for attendees to win University of Rochester merch! Registration is required.

Co-Sponsors: Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering, Asian American Alliance, Graduate Student Association. 

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