Many of your day-to-day activities rely on metadata, or “data about data”. From your phone to the library to Google and beyond, metadata, or structured information, is working hard behind the scenes. Metadata help you discover new resources, information, and ideas, draw connections between them, and then share what you’ve learned or created with others. Well-documented metadata also lets you preserve and manage your data and resources long into the future.


Meanwhile, proper documentation is important to ensuring your work is understandable, reuseable, and reproducible. Do you have a readme? Are you using the correct file types, following a file naming convention, and providing your methodology and data dictionaries? Well-produced documentation works together with metadata to ensure your data and resources are understandable for years to come.


Join Maggie Dull, Assistant Dean of Scholarly Resources and Curation, and Heather Owen, Data Librarian, to learn more about the basics of metadata and documentation.


This workshop is part of Love Data Month, run by the Data Services Team. Please visit our webpage to learn about our other offerings. Register for the webinar to receive the zoom link. 

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