Wednesday, November 9, 2022 12:00pm to 1:00pm
About this Event
255 Crittenden Boulevard, Rochester NY 14642
Embracing a global perspective in nursing is critical to advance nursing practice, education and research. In this month's Grand Round, "Nursing in Asia: Perspectives from International PhD Students," four PhD students in nursing from China, Nepal and South Korea will share their experiences and perspectives on the status of nursing practice, education and research in their home countries. Learning about nursing in Asia highlights similarities and differences and identifies areas for professional development. Comparing nursing across regions provides insight into expanding nursing roles, enhancing professional development, and reducing health disparities and inequities worldwide.
Wonkyung Chang, RN, BSN
Yuri Choi, MSN, RN
Sunita Pokhrel Bhattarai, MS, RN
Zhihong Zhang, MS, RN
Refreshments will be provided.
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