5 weekly sessions, Fridays beginning February 28, 2025 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Develop a successful plan for any of your personal goals. Using a research-based behavioral change method and the guidance of experts. You will learn to set realistic goals, find motivational tools that work, avoid obstacles, and achieve and sustain your accomplishments in five weekly sessions with Registered Dietitian/Certified Personal Trainer, April Ho and Lifestyle Counselor, Ramon Cruz.

  • Direct questions for the lifestyle management team can be sent to urwell.lifestyle@urmc.rochester.edu . 

  • If you are in need of an interpreter please contact us ASAP so we can work to schedule services.

  • The Well-U Lifestyle Management courses are available only to University of Rochester Employees and spouses who are on the University Healthcare plan. Confirm your eligibility prior to registration.

  • The Zoom link and course material will be sent one day prior to the course start date if you have registered and are eligible to take this course.

Event Details

The Zoom link and couse material will be sent one day prior to the course start date if you have completed registration.