Tuesday, July 23, 2024 12:00pm to 1:00pm
About this Event
5 weekly sessions, Tuesdays beginning July 23rd, 2024 from 12:00pm-1:00pm
Join Jill Chodak, registered dietitian for a 5-week discussion-based course that will set you up for nutritional success in 2024. Participants will learn how to make sure their nutrition patterns are complete, navigate the variety of products available at the grocery store, and gain practical strategies for putting together healthy meals in advance or on the go.
Direct questions for the lifestyle management team can be sent to urwell.lifestyle@urmc.rochester.edu .
If you are in need of an interpreter please contact us ASAP so we can work to schedule services.
The Well-U Lifsetyle Management courses are available only to University of Rochester Employees and spouses who are on the University Healthcare plan. Confirm your eligibility prior to registration.
The Zoom link and course material will be sent one day prior to the course start date if you have registered and are eligible to take this course.
+ 29 People interested in event
Zoom link will be sent one business day before the course begins once you have completed registration from URWell.Lifestyle@urmc.rochester.edu.
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